A former port on the Aral Sea, Mo'ynoq is now a city in the middle of the desert due to the recession of the lake.
My suggestion
A little museum located on the site of the former port, where all the boat carcasses are, recalling the magnitude of the tragedy (who would always need a reminder!).
Anonymous traveller
Seasoned Traveller
With a lunar landscape that creates an atmosphere like that of an old western film set, where hulks of rusty old boats decay in what was once the largest port on the Aral Sea, Moynaq makes a strange impression on visitors.
My suggestion
If you want to travel on to the Aral Sea, make your arrangements at Nukus. At Moynaq, there's not a great deal to be found, and there aren't any vehicles to take you to the Aral Sea: you can arrange a guide, but you pay through the nose.