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The cultural riches of Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is very extensive and diverse, so it is best that you discover it one neighbourhood at a time. With its numerous cultural riches the capital city is the mecca for tourism in Argentina.


Buenos Aires, an open-air museum


During your trip to Argentina you will probably start from Buenos Aires. The city has a rich history and remarkable heritage to which multiple immigrants from all around the world have contributed. In order to see the beauty of this magnificent city, it is preferable that you spend there several days. There are numerous ways in which to learn about Buenos Aires. From exploring the key historical places, museums, neighbourhoods loaded with history and monuments, seeing the magic of the tango, you will immerse yourself in the local life, and enrich your understanding of the culture. If you want to be time-efficient and see as much as you can, you should plan where do you want to go and what do you want to see before leaving. This will save valuable time when you are already there!




Here is a list with the museums that are worth visiting: the National Museum of the Cabildo and the May Revolution, the Bicentennial Museum, the Buenos Aires Museum Centre, the Beatle Museum, the Isaac Fernández Blanco Museum of Hispanis-American Art, the National Museum of Fine Arts, the Immigration Museum, the Evita Museum, the Buenos Aires Museum of Latin American Art, the Quinquela Martin Museum, the National History Museum, the Enrique Larreta Spanish Art Museum and the National Aeronautics Museum. As you can see, there is a wide selection. We would also recommend that you see the tango either in the neighbourhoods of San Telmo on the main square or in Plaza Dorrego. For high-quality performances, you can choose the famous tango dance places, called "milongas", like Esquina Carlos Gardel, Bocatango, El Querandí or Piazzolla Tango. As for architectural heritage, go take a look at the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Casa Rosada, the National Congress, the Colón Theatre, the Obelisk, the Recoleta Cemetery, the Puente de la Mujer, the Our Lady of Bethlehem Basilica, the Russian Orthodox Church and the entire neighbourhood of La Boca. It is an open-air museum in itself.
Tango in La Boca

David Debrincat
459 contributions